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Legal notices - Romand'Art


This site is published by Romand’art:
SIRET: 51491897800024
Registered head office: 63, Rue de la Galandière – 37190 Villaines-les-Rochers


https://vannerie-romand-art.com is the official Internet address of the Romand’art website
Director of the publication: Mrs Catherine ROMAND


Haisoft SARL
7 rue Vieille Levée
45000 Orleans
Tel: 02 38 52 47 11


28, rue des Granges-Galand 37550 Saint Avertin
Tel: 02 47 60 99 53




Anyone who accesses the site Romand’art (https://vannerie-romand-art.com) (hereinafter “the Site”) agrees to comply with these terms of use. Anyone viewing the Site is responsible for the data it disseminates, uses and / or transfers and therefore undertakes to comply with the French regulations in force, particularly that relating to content that is clearly illegal (offenses against morality, incitement to the racial hatred, pedophilia, …) or the protection of the rights of third parties (intellectual property rights, …). Romand’art is not responsible for the use of data, content broadcast by another person and which, in particular, does not comply with the regulations in force.
The establishment of a hypertext link to the Site requires prior written permission from Romand’art, which can not be held responsible for sites with a hypertext link to the Site and declines all responsibility for their content and to their use. The Site is subject to French law, the French courts are only competent in case of dispute.


The presentation and content of the site https://vannerie-romand-art.com together constitute a work protected by the laws in force of copyright, intellectual property and industrial. The denominations or appellations, the logos are, unless particular indications, registered trademarks. The creations appearing on the Website, drawings, photographs, images, texts, animated sequences, sound or not and other documentations represented, are subject to copyright, industrial property and / or intellectual property and are, depending on the case, property of Romand’art or third parties having authorized Romand’art to use them.
No commercial exploitation, reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation, commercialization, partial or complete of these elements (including those downloadable or copiable) can not be made without the prior written consent of Romand’art , except for use for private use subject to different or even more restrictive provisions of the Code of Intellectual Property. In addition to copyrights, infringement of one of these industrial and / or intellectual property rights is a counterfeit offense punishable by 3 years imprisonment and a fine of 300,000 euros.


Romand’art informs you that the information directly or indirectly nominative collected on the Site (name, mail, …), necessary for the functioning of certain applications (mail, contacts …), benefit from the protection of the French law n ° 78-17 of 77 January 1978 called “Data Protection Act”. These data, intended for Romand’art, are likely to be kept, processed in an automated way and used in particular to contact you and inform you of the existence of our products, services and offers within the framework of actions including commercial and / or marketing. Romand’art may be required to transmit the information collected to third parties, including some of its technical service providers so that they can ensure the proper functioning of the Site. For any information relating to the protection of personal data, including the exercise of your rights of access, rectification, deletion, you can send a postal mail to:
63, Rue de la Galandière
37190 Villaines-les-Rochers

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